
The Ocean

I'm still in San Francisco. I told you I met a dog named Amy Grant, well she's become quiet a good friend. She's nice, she's outgoing, but she's really athletic, I don't hold it against her. Ben and Michele took us both to the park. Its a lot different than the parks in Wheat Ridge. 

I also went to the beach for the first time. Very nice, but also annoying. I can't sniff a darn thing without getting sand in my nasal passages. Michele didn't bring her jacket. She didn't say she was cold, but i could tell she was. 

One foggy afternoon recently Lucius' Dad and Ben took me to a coffee shop. I didn't want any coffee so I waited outside and watched the train.  

That evening I got into Amy Grant's food bag and had myself some dessert. 

Today Ben and Michele found out they got the apartment they wanted in the Presidio here in San Francisco. So it looks like we'll be here for a while. 

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